Bloomsbury Open Collections This project aims to make 20 research titles per collection available OA. If fully funded, 60 titles will be completely Open Access. Participation also includes access to 150 backlist titles.
NEW search tool - SciFree - identifies if UR Libraries has a licensing agreement for OA (Open Access) publishing with a journal. Search by publisher, journal title, ISSN, or subject to find journals included in our OA Licensing Agreements.
OA licensing agreements allow publication (with OA access) free of charge or where APC (Article Processing Charges) are paid by UR Libraries' transformative read and publish agreements.
UR Faculty and Staff are eligible for discounted or free Open Access publishing (often known as "Article Processing Charges" or APCs) from the following publishers.
UR Libraries participates in many of these initiatives through VIVA, Virginia's Academic Library Consortium. The full list of VIVA Open Access Initiatives can be found here:
Instructions for authors are included at each link, but you are also welcome to contact UR Librarians with any questions.
Publishing Models: The following publishing models identify an academic journal's terms of access that users have to the journal's published content. The terms are based both on how an author/university pays for the journal and how the content of the journal can be accessed.