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Boatwright Memorial Library

APC Supported Articles

Articles published with the support of UR Libraries' transformative licensing agreements that cover Article Processing Charges (APC) for Open Access.


Graybill, Rhiannon. “A Cannibal Reading of the Hebrew Prophets.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. Online First (February 12, 2025): 03090892241304409.

Hoyt, Crystal L., and Jeni L. Burnette. “How Mindsets Can Mitigate or Sustain Prejudice.” Current Directions in Psychological Science Online First (January 20, 2025).

Knouse, Laura E., Yueyi Fan, Aditya Narayanan, and William D. Ellison. “Avoidant Automatic Thoughts Are Associated With Task Avoidance and Inattention in the Moment: Replication in a Community Sample.” Journal of Attention Disorders Online First (January 29, 2025): 10870547251314924.


Aguirre, A. Alonso, Lila C. Fleming, Alejandra G. Sandoval-Lugo, Renato Leal-Moreno, Cesar P. Ley-Quinonez, Alan A. Zavala-Norzagaray, and Kathryn H. Jacobsen. “Conservation and Health Policy Implications Linked to the Human Consumption of Sea Turtles in Northwestern Mexico.” World Medical & Health Policy 16, no. 1 (March 2024): 57–69.

Arnold, Tom, John H. Earl, Joseph Farizo, and David North. “Endowment Asset Allocations: Insights and Strategies.” Journal of Asset Management Online First (May 27, 2024).

Bakry, Aamy A., Matthew G. Fanelli, Martel Zeldin, Kelling J. Donald, and Carol A. Parish. “Dative Bonding in Quasimetallatranes Containing Group 15 Donors (Y = N, P, and As) and Group 14 Acceptors (M = Si, Ge, Sn, and Pb).” Inorganic Chemistry 63, no. 39 (September 20, 2024): 18005–15.

Bakry, Aamy, Joshua Pandian, Khanh Vu, Idil Cazimoglu, John Mancini, Martel Zeldin, and Carol A. Parish. “Conformational Analysis of Oligomeric Models of Siloxane, Silazane and Siloxazane Ladder Polymers.” Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials Online First (June 20, 2024).

Bezio, Kristin M. S. “Playing At Being Human: Finding Leadership and Empathy Through Digital Games.” Journal of Leadership Studies 17, no. 4 (March 2024): 38–46.

Braun, Peter, Todd Lookingbill, Beth Zizzamia, Jeremy Hoffman, Jessica Rosner, and Daisy Banta. “A Heat Emergency: Urban Heat Exposure and Access to Refuge in Richmond, VA.” GeoHealth 8, no. 6 (June 2024): e2023GH000985.

Camara, M. C., C. Carteiro, and W. T. Ross. “Multipliers and Equivalence of Functions, Spaces, and Operators.” Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 18, no. 3 (July 2024): 37.

Choi, Stephen J., Jessica M. Erickson, and A. C. Pritchard. “Paying for Performance? Attorneys’ Fees in Fraud Class Actions.” Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 21, no. 4 (2024): 899–926.

Chykina, Volha. “Expecting to Achieve against the Odds: Anti-Immigrant Sentiment and Immigrants' Educational and Occupational Expectations in Europe.” European Journal of Education 59, no. 1 (March 2024): e12574.

Davis, James A., John Polhill, Ken Smith, Eric Swartz, and Jordan Webster. “New Spence Difference Sets.” Designs Codes and Cryptography Online First (July 10, 2024).

Duran, Patricio, Marcelo Ortiz, and Michael Carney. “More than Money: Political Participation by Elite Business Families.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 48, no. 6 (November 2024): 1495–1524.

Fernandez, Laura Michelle. “Under the Guise of Latinidad: Latinx Ambiguity and Ethno-Racial Identifications in Switched at Birth.” Latino Studies Online First (August 17, 2024).

Graybill, Rhiannon. ‘They Put Themselves in Danger, Girls Like That’: Ezekiel 16 and Promising Young Woman.” Interpretation-a Journal of Bible and Theology 78, no. 3 (July 2024): 221–30.

Hafker, Petra, Lily M. Thompson, Jonathan A. Walter, Dylan Parry, and Kristine L. Grayson. “Geographic Variation in Larval Cold Tolerance and Exposure across the Invasion Front of a Widely Established Forest Insect.” Insect Science31, no. 6 (2024): 1930–42.

Hamrick, Alexander B., Sarah Burrows, Jacob A. Waddingham, and Craig D. Crossley. “It’s My Business! The Influence of Psychological Ownership on Entrepreneurial Intentions and Work Performance.” Journal of Organizational Behavior Online First (June 27, 2024).

Hidalgo, Javier. “Parfitian or Buddhist Reductionism? Revisiting a Debate about Personal Identity.” Asian Journal of Philosophy 3, no. 1 (June 2024): 33.

Hoyt, Crystal L., Jeni L. Burnette, and Meghan Moore. “Partisan Prejudice: The Role of Beliefs About the Unchanging Nature of Ideology and Partisans.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Online First (November 18, 2024).

Lefkowitz, David. “A New Philosophy for International Legal Skepticism?” International Theory Online First (April 30, 2024).

Lefkowitz, David. “Between a Rock-Hard Reality and a Pious Wish Place: Postema on the Rule of Law Beyond Borders.” Hague Journal on the Rule of Law Online First (April 26, 2024).

Martin, Patrick J, Kate Sicchio, Gabriella Chang, and Charles Dietzel. “A Prototype Platform for Live Human-Robot Choreography.” In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Movement and Computing, 1–8. MOCO ’24. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2024.

Mashreghi, Javad, Marek Ptak, and William T. Ross. “Conjugations of Unitary Operators, I.” Analysis and Mathematical Physics 14, no. 3 (June 2024): 62.

Mashreghi, Javad, Marek Ptak, and William T. Ross. “Conjugations of Unitary Operators, II.” Analysis and Mathematical Physics 14, no. 3 (June 2024): 56.

McCormick, Miriam Schleifer. “Comments on ArtÅ«rs Logins, Normative Reasons: Between Reasons and Explanation.” Philosophia 52 (2024): 995–1000.

Paik, Daniel Gyung, Bo Meng, Brandon Byunghwan Lee, and Nhat Q. Nguyen. “CEO Turnover after Product-Harm Crises.” Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance 35, no. 3 (2024): 21–43.

Sadler, Abbie. “Variable Rate Premiums and Defined Benefit Pension Funding.” Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 51, no. 9–10 (November 2024): 2561–91.

Seeman, Jeffrey I. “Going Beyond Woodward and Hoffmann’s Electrocyclizations and Cycloadditions: Sigmatropic Rearrangements.” Chemical Record 24, no. 12 (December 2024): e202400050.

Seeman, Jeffrey I. “Woodward-Hoffmann or Hoffmann-Woodward? Cycloadditions and the Transformation of Roald Hoffmann from a ‘Calculator’ to an ‘Explainer.’” Chemical Record 24, no. 8 (August 2024): e202300181.

Thekdi, Shital Ashok, and Terje Aven. “A Classification System for Characterizing the Integrity and Quality of Evidence in Risk Studies.” Risk Analysis 44, no. 1 (January 2024): 264–80.

Thekdi, Shital, and Terje Aven. “Risk Science Applied to Major Risk Events in History.” Risk Analysis 44, no. 8 (August 2024): 1949–58.

Thekdi, Shital. “Understanding the Implications of Low Knowledge and High Uncertainty in Risk Studies.” Risk Analysis 44, no. 7 (July 2024): 1651–65.

Thekdi, Shital, Unal Tatar, Joost Santos, and Samrat Chatterjee. “On the Compatibility of Established Methods with Emerging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Methods for Disaster Risk Analysis.” Risk Analysis Online First (September 20, 2024).

Vu, Khanh, Joshua Pandian, Boyi Zhang, Christina Annas, Anna J. Parker, John S. Mancini, Evan B. Wang, Diomedes Saldana-Greco, Emily S. Nelson, Greg Springsted, Hans Lischka, Felix Plasser, and Carol A Parish. “Multireference Averaged Quadratic Coupled Cluster (MR-AQCC) Study of the Geometries and Energies for Ortho-, Meta- and Para-Benzyne.” Journal of Physical Chemistry A 128, no. 37 (September 6, 2024): 7816–29.

Whitaker, Jonathan, and Shital Thekdi. “You Cannot Spell Risk without ‘I-S’: The Disclosure of Information Systems Risks by Fortune 1000 Firms.” Risk Analysis Online First (September 7, 2024).

Yu, Wendy, Zachary A. Collier, and Shital Thekdi. “Security Screening Metrics for Information-Sharing Partnerships.” Risk Analysis Online First (January 21, 2024).