Books related to geography can be found in the following call number ranges, located on the B2 level of Boatwright:
G1-9980 - Geography (General). Atlases. Maps
For geography and description of individual countries, see GD-GF
G149-570 - Voyages and travels (General)
For travels in special continents and countries, see GD-GF
G587-890 - Polar regions
G1000.3-3122 - Atlases
G3190-9980 - Maps
GA1-776 - Mathematical geography. Cartography
GB3-5030 - Physical geography
GB111-398.7 - By region or country
GB400-649 - Geomorphology
GB651-2998 - Hydrology. Water
GB5000-5030 - Natural disasters
GC1-1581 - Oceanography
GF1-900 - Human ecology. Anthropogeography
GF53-67 - Man's relationship to specific environments
GF500-900 - By region or country
GN1-890 - Anthropology