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Student Summer Research Presentations ▼
I was unfortunately unable to attend these presentations. Here is the line up though:
Knotted Graphs and Graphs of Knots: How Combinatorics and Knot Theory Inform Each Other
- Allison Moore ▼
A knot is an embedding of a circle in a three-dimensional space, up to a type of deformation called ‘ambient isotopy.’ Informally, we can think of a knot as being a closed, flexible loop made out of stretchy rubber cord. Knot theory is a part of geometry and topology, but it enjoys connections to many other branches of math including algebra, analysis, and combinatorics; knot theory even provides a framework for mathematical modeling in molecular biology!
In this talk, we’ll investigate how concepts from graph theory help us to better understand the complexity of knots and to devise tools to calculate their properties. I’ll emphasize several research projects that were joint work with the following VCU students: Matthew Elpers, Christopher Flippen, Rayan Ibrahim, Essak Seddiq, and Anna Shaw.
[1] Allison H. Moore: Publications,˜moorea14/research.html.
[7] R Bott and J P Mayberry, Matrices and trees, Economic Activity Analysis, 1954, pp. 391– 400.
Converting Local Consumption Responses to an Aggregate Fiscal Multiplier
- M. Saif Mehkari ▼
Economists use mathematics in many different ways. In this colloquium I will discuss one of my recently accepted papers on calculating the aggregate fiscal multiplier. Using data, we estimate that a $1 increase in county-level government spending increases local non-durable consumer spending by $0.29. The starting point for the talk will be the intuition (economic, mathematical, and practical) for our interest in the multiplier. We then translate this to an aggregate multiplier using a Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian model. We further use this calibrated mathematical model to understand the mechanisms that link a local multiplier to an aggregate multiplier. Through the discussion of this paper and its results I will explain the process economists use to perform such calculations and highlight how mathematics acts as a foundation for economic analysis. The paper uses techniques and ideas from statistics, calculus, differential equations, and numerical analysis.
[1] Blanchard, O. and R. Perotti. “An Empirical Characterization of the Dynamic Effects of Changes in Government Spending and Taxes on Output”. In: The Quarterly Journal of Economics 117.4 (Nov. 2002), pp. 1329–1368. issn: 0033-5533, 1531-4650. doi: 10.1162/003355302320935043.
[2] Dupor, Bill et al. “Regional Consumption Responses and the Aggregate Fiscal Multiplier”. In: Review of Economic Studies 90.6 (Nov. 2023), pp. 2982–3021. issn: 0034-6527, 1467-937X.doi: 10.1093/restud/rdad007.
[3] Gal´ı, Jordi, J. David L´opez-Salido, and Javier Vall´es. “Understanding the Effects of Government Spending on Consumption”. In: Journal of the European Economic Association 5.1 (Mar.2007), pp. 227–270. issn: 1542-4766, 1542-4774. doi: 10.1162/JEEA.2007.5.1.227.
[4] Kaplan, Greg, Benjamin Moll, and Giovanni L. Violante. “Monetary Policy According to HANK”. In: American Economic Review 108.3 (Mar. 2018), pp. 697–743. issn: 0002-8282. doi: 10.1257/aer.20160042.
[5] Ramey, Valerie A. and Matthew D. Shapiro. “Costly Capital Reallocation and the Effects of Government Spending”. In: Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 48 (June 1998), pp. 145–194. issn: 01672231. doi: 10.1016/S0167-2231(98)00020-7.
[6] Robert E. Hall. “By How Much Does GDP Rise If the Government Buys More Output?” In: Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2009.2 (2009), pp. 183–249. issn: 1533-4465. doi: 10.1353/eca.0.0069.