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Boatwright Memorial Library

Information Literacy Assignment Ideas

Stock image of a college lecture hall

Information Literacy Assignment Ideas

Tips for Reinforcing Information Literacy Competencies

Attend lectures

  • Locate and evaluate a scholarly article on the lecture topic.
  • Find biographical information on the speaker.



Participate in in-class discussions

  • Locate and cite an outside source as evidence for a response
  • Locate further information on a topic that occurred during class discussions
  • Bring materials (books, articles, websites) to share in class discussions


  • Using OneSearch to find related books, movies, and government information
  • Using sources suggested on relevant library research guides to find additional information


Write papers, give speeches and presentations, or create multi-media projects (podcasts, videos, etc.)

  • Have students write all but the paper research proposals and/or annotated bibliographies
  • Submit a working thesis and bibliography early in the research process for review
  • Have students utilize a variety of sources as evidence, including primary source material
  • Compare popular and scholarly sources, or primary and secondary sources, on the same topic


  • Using the library's guidelines for evaluating web resources and information
  • Using the library's Citing Sources guide to find additional information on citations, citation styles, annotated bibliographies, and Zotero
  • Incorporating resources from relevant library resource guides



Participate in blogs or Blackboard discussion boards

  • Provide references in their posts, or write a blog post focused on their research process


  • Having students understand the research process better by being able to describe what resources were used and why they were selected


Read a textbook or other common course reading

  • If available via the UR Library, ask students to locate the article or reading themselves rather than provide them a copy in class
  • Research a report on a footnote in a textbook or article
  • Use a non-current article to update the topic with current information sources
  • Use citation linking to trace an article, a foundational paper in a research field, or a scholar's career


  • Using the library databasesto locate and access academic journal articles
  • Using the specialized features of a database (ex. Web of Science's journal impact metrics)