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Boatwright Memorial Library

Think Like A Historian

As you think about researching historical topics, it helps to understand the basic questions that historians try to answer by examining historical records and resources. While this chart doesn't cover *every* type of historical question, it can be a great place to jump-start your thinking about what makes a good historical research question.

Information Literacy

History 290: Britain and the World (Bischof)

This guide is designed to assist students completing research projects for Dr. Bischof's HIST 290 course.


This guide is designed to provide research support for Dr. Bischof's History 290: Britain and the World (Spring 2024) by identifying research resources of potential interest. This site is not meant to be exhaustive, but it should serve as an entry point into possible topics to be considered for research projects.  Please feel free to schedule an appointment with Lynda Kachurek, the history liaison librarian, for more specific research assistance or if you have questions!

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Head, Book Arts, Archives, & Rare Books; History Librarian

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Lynda Kachurek
Office: Boatwright Library B1-50A

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