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Boatwright Memorial Library

Links and notes…
bio of founder of True Reformers…
short history of organization…
short history of organization
short history of bank
print of bank building
bio of founder of True Reformers…
bio of founder of True Reformers, includes photos…
e-book: Twenty-five Years History of the Grand Fountain of the United Order of True ....
short history of bank…
Ad for True Reformers…-"westham"-------
Richmond Planet, 2 October 1897  States property in Westham consists of 656 acres. Questions finances of Grand Fountain. Mentions physical assault of Deacon W.P. Burrell by Mrs. Browne…-"westham"-------
Richmond Planet, 16 October 1897  Claims the Westham Farm property is in Browne's name, not the Grand Fountain's. States the property is 634 1/4 acres 7 miles from Richmond. Purchased from WC and E Jessie McDowell, sold to them by William A. McCandliss.…-"westham"-------

Richmond Planet, 6 November 1897. Organization buying property including Farm, but not paying sick dues to members…"westhampton+park"&y=14&x=15&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=15
RD 6 August 1902 - "Negroes Not After Westhampton Ask for Road to Jonesboro"…-"old+folks%27+home"------

Richmond Dispatch, Volume 1900, Number 15418, 7 September 1900 - rally by delegates at Westham Old Folks' Home…-"true+reformers"------
Reformers were to meet with Park officials to possibly purchase park and close to public, use for Old Folks Home "inmates" Times 4 September 1902

Times, Volume 17, Number 179, 4 September 1902…-"true+reformers"------
denial of sale, mention of "colored pleasure park"…"westhampton+park"&y=14&x=15&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=9
Times 5 Sep 1902 - Grand Fountain had received no proposition to sell Westhampton Park from Richmond Passenger & Power Co. Grand Fountain has no need for property covered by park

Times, Volume 17, Number 181, 6 September 1902…-"true+reformers"------
election of officers, trying to raise money for Old Folks' Home…-"Westham"------
 Richmond Dispatch July 27, 1902, p. 3 Large brick barn, more than a century old, burned with full crop of grain inside and farm implements, owned by True Reformers

p. 37 Zion Town-A Study in Human Ecology by Howard Harlan$b538880;view=1up;seq=5
"The True Reformers were a national organization. They attempted the experiment of communal farming and failed. In 1905 a large plot of ground (over a thousand acres) was bought up on the outskirts of Richmond just south of Zion Town and west of what is now Westhampton. This land was allotted to members of the organization and was farmed on shares. Most of the workers lived in a large house on the land which had formerly served as the Old Folk's Home."…-"Property+Transfers"------
Times Dispatch, Volume 1905, Number 16785, 7 March 1905; Property Transfer Henrico: Old Folks' Home of the Grand Fountain United Order of True Reformers trustees to John L. Green lot 13 on the plan of Brownesville $50.…-"Property+Transfers"+%2b+"Old+Folks%27+Home"------
Times Dispatch, Volume 1903, Number 16343, 13 September 1903 transfer of land from Old Folks' Home to Victoria Hayes…-"old+folks%27+home"------

Times Dispatch, Number 17538, 22 April 1907 - "descriptive" depiction of Old Folks' Home…-"old+folks%27+home"------
Times Dispatch, Number 17680, 12 September 1907 - rally for Old Folks' Home at convention and visit to Jamestown Expo*…-"old+folks%27+home"------
Times Dispatch, 8 September 1908 - delegates visit Old Folks' Home in Westham…-"old+folks%27+home"------
Times Dispatch, Number 18,610, 5 May 1911 - mention sale of Old Folks' Home at Westhampton…-"old+folks%27+home"------
Richmond Times-Dispatch, 2 February 1915 - embezzlement scandal involving True Reformer leaders and the Old Folks' Home…-"old+folks%27+home"------

Richmond Times-Dispatch, 23 May 1915 - appears to be for new Old Folks' Home to be built on Myrtle Grove near Ginter Park, see also RTD 

7 September 1915; also see 9 June 1901 regarding Old Folks' Home at 115 W. Jackson Street…
R. Brown v. Grand Fountain of the True Reformers
Robert Brown, Executor of Molly Cook estate 
United States Court of Appeals, 1906…
Home of True Reformers, p. 192 (see photo)…
see page 7 National Register of Historic Places Barton Heights Cemeteries

What a Mighty Power We Can Be : African American Fraternal Groups and the Struggle for Racial Equality

by Theda Skocpol, , Ariane Liazos, , and Marshall Ganz

PUBLISHER Princeton University Press DATE 2006-09-10, pages 51-52
brief description of organization