Welcome to the BioChem and Molecular Biology Research Guide. Here you will find information to point you in the right direction as you do research and work on your assignments. Within the guide you will find information on things like:
Search across Biological Abstracts, Medline, Preprint Citation Index, PQ Dissertations and Theses, Web of Science Core (Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index), and Zoological Record. Track, evaluate, and compare journals and articles. Tools included are the number of citations, the journal's impact factor, and other metrics. (Clarivate)
*Create an account to access this database. Search for journal articles, patents, conferences, books, and dissertations in chemistry and medicine. Search by substance name, structure, substructure, reaction, CAS registry number, molecular formula, organization, research topic, and author. (American Chemical Society)
Search for substance property, chemical reaction, and synthesis data extracted from collection of peer-reviewed literature, patents, and substance databases. As such, it can be used to research the chemistry or the literature. (Elsevier)
Search a repository of 3D structural data of molecules, generally containing at least carbon and hydrogen. This database comprises a wide range of organic, metal-organic, and organometallic molecules. (Cambridge)
Use this discovery tool to search most of the University Libraries' collections, including books, journal articles, newspapers, dissertations, music, and video recordings. (Ex Libris)