Welcome to the Languages and Literatures Resource guide to information about dictionaries of language, literary terms, and authors. I've also included suggestions for finding literary criticism and primary works of literature. For more detailed suggestions, please check the Resource Guides to Modern Cultures and Literatures, Italian, Latin American and Iberian Studies, English, and Classical Studies. I hope this is helpful and if you need assistance please don't hesitate to contact me.
You can find dictionaries for use in the library in the reference collection on the first floor. Some dictionaries are also available for checkout in the circulating collection on B2. Here are the call number ranges if you want to browse
English PE 1628
French PC 2640
Italian PC 1625
Spanish PC 4640
German PF 3625
Chinese PL 1455
Japanese PL 678
Greek PA 445
Latin PA 2365
Arabic PJ 6640
Persian PK 6379
Russian PG 2640