Boatwright Library has been part of the Federal Depository Library Program since 1900 and is the oldest Depository Library in Virginia's 7th Congressional District. We are a Selective Depository that recently (Summer 2021) transitioned to providing materials in electronic formats only.
The best way to find the location of a government document is to search for it in OneSearch.
U.S. Government Documents have their own classification system, in which the Government Publishing Organization assigns a "SuDoc" number to each publication (The term SuDoc refers to the Superintendent of Documents, the head of GPO). This system classifies each document by the agency or department that issues the document instead of by subject. For example, SuDoc classification A is for materials issued by the Agriculture Department. That means it doesn't make sense to browse the government documents collection (the way you might in the rest of the library) since many agencies/departments issue documents on similar subjects.
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