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Boatwright Memorial Library

Finding Translated Books

To find translations in the UR Library Catalog, use the title of your book and the word "translated" in a key word search.  This is especially helpful when the original title is a proper name, which does not change when the book is translated; for example, "Madame Bovary translated."  It also works when you know only the orginal title and aren''t sure what the English title might be: for example, "Voina i mir translated." 

You can also find bibliographies of translations of national literatures with the search" translations bibliography".  If you add the name of the language of interest, you can narrow the search to just that one.

Books at Boatwright

For books on the grammar of any language, do a Subject Heading Search for X language--grammar, e.g.,   Arabic language--Grammar.  You can find books in a particular language by using the Advanced Search in the UR Library catalog and using the Language limit box. Results are best if you use fairly general terms in the search box. If you want to browse the shelves for material about a specific language, these are the relevant call number ranges:


Greek Language            PA1-PA179

Latin Language             PA2001-2915

Italian Language           PC1001-PC1977

French Language          PC2001-PC3761

Portuguese Language    PC5001-PC5498

German Language         PF3001-PF5999

Russian Language         PG2001-PG2826

Hebrew                        PJ4501-5192

Arabic                          PJ6001-PJ8517

Persian                        PK6201-PK6996

Turkish                        PL191-PL396

Japanese                     PL501-PL889

Chinese                      PL1001-PL3208

If We Don't Have it

If we don't have thebook or  journal you need, you can borrow it through our Interlibrary Loan Service.

How to place a request:

  • Visit the UR Library Catalog
  • Log in
  • Select either Article Request or Book Request for interlbrary Loan
  • Enter the information about the item
  • Click Submit Request
  • To request another item, click your browser's back button and change the item information