Search this encyclopedia for background information on most aspects of the visual arts (painting, sculpture, graphic arts, architecture, decorative arts and photography) from prehistory to the present. (Oxford)
Access thousands of images from art, architecture, archaeology, decorative arts and design, and visual culture in general. The content comes from museums, individual photographers, scholars, special collections at libraries, and photo archives. (ITHAKA)
Open Internet Sources
These sources are freely accessible, but there may be limitations on their use (Powerpoint is always OK, but you may not be able to use them in a networked environment.).
With Flickr you can control who sees your images and what size image is available to them for download. Tagging your images will help people find them with a keyword search.
Creative CommonsYou can choose to search images for commerical, educational, or private use. Some images, audio and video files are licensed to be altered to new works.