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Boatwright Memorial Library

Getting the Full Text of Articles

If the full-text of an article is not available in the database you are searching, look for a "Locate it" button, which will link you to either the journal in which the article is published or to the article itself.

If there is no button, use the Journal Titles tab in the red search box at the top of the main library web page to search for the title of the journal, or use the link below.  If we have a subscription, you will learn what years are available and in what database.  Some or all years of a journal may be available only in physical form in the periodicals collection on B2.

For other journals we may have limited access, for example, not the most recent issues or not the earliest published issues. If we do not have access to the issue you need, use  ILLiad, our interlibrary loan system.


Finding Articles in Journals

Tips for Finding Books

To search for books in Boatwright, use the Books and More  link. When dealing with a topic that can be used in many fields it is best to add a second word that describes your area of interest,  for example, "sex" and "poetry".  Start with a keyword search and when you have found one or two relevant books, examine their subjects headings to help guide further searching,   Remember that books are generally on broad topics and that you are not searching the full text, only the titles, subject headings, and--if you're lucky--the table of contents.

If you are looking for information on a person, you should first use that person's name in a keyword search.  However, many books will have information on persons that is not evident from the information in the catalog.  To find these books, look for books on the area of endeavor or historical events in which your person of interest was involved. In the case of research on a literary figure, books on the time period, genre, literary movement, theme, or character type may be useful, even if they don't discuss the work or person who is the immediate subject of your research.