While HBS Cases are searchable in Business Source Complete from 1942-present by company name and subject, the text of the case is not available. To search for cases related to a specific topic, simply enter “Harvard Business School Cases” into the search box and select “SO Publication Name” in the “Select a Field box”; enter the topic or company you are interested in in the second box and click "Search".
You can purchase Harvard Business Cases here: https://store.hbr.org/case-studies/
Many scholarly journals publish cases regularly in their issues; this list is just a small sample.
Access a massive collection of streaming videos, including documentaries, interviews, performances, newsreels, field recordings, commercials, and raw footage, among others. Most topics are represented in this database. (Alexander Street Press)
The Markulla Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University makes a number of cases relating to business ethics available on their website.