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This page lists journals that publish undergraduate student research in Political Science, International Studies, and Law, and accept submissions from student authors from any institution. 

Undergraduate Journals in Political Science

For a fuller listing of interdisciplinary journals, see the Council on Undergraduate Research:

Chicago Journal of Foreign Policy

Description: Seeks to be a forum for problem-solving and analysis around international affairs.
Published by: University of Chicago.
Submission guidelines: Content pertaining to the period from 1945 to the present preferred. Journal articles accepted up to 15 pages. Blog posts should be between 750-2500 words, not including bibliography.
Submission deadline: None provided.

Columbia Undergraduate Law Review

Description: Provides opportunities for the discussion of law-related ideas and the publication of undergraduate legal scholarship.
Published by: Columbia University.
Submission guidelines: Paper submissions should be between 20-25 pages.
Submission deadline: Early February.

Compass: An Undergraduate Journal of American Political Ideas

Description: Provides a space for the work of talented undergraduates who have original and well-articulated insights on important ideas and issues relating to American democracy.
Published by: Jack Miller Center.
Submission guidelines: Paper submissions should be between 1500-2000 words.
Submission deadline: None provided.


Description: Accepts submissions from all the subfields of political science and is recognized by American Political Science Association
Published by: Illinois State University.
Submission guidelines: Paper submissions should be up to 10,000 words.
Submission deadline: None provided.

Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Politics, Economics and World Affairs

Description: Publishes integrative scholarship relating to politics, economics and international relations by students at undergraduate institutions across the world.
Published by: Dartmouth College.
Submission guidelines: Articles must pertain to the fields of politics, economics, or international relations and must offer an analytical or argumentative analysis into contemporary issues. Articles submitted should be between 4,500-15,000 words excluding citations and appendices.
Submission deadline: None provided.

Georgetown Public Policy Review

Description: Welcomes opinion pieces, literature reviews, and original writing relevant to any aspect of public policy or politics.
Published by: Georgetown University
Submission guidelines: Paper submissions should be about 1,200 words for online edition, 18,000 words for print edition.
Submission deadline: Early January.

Gettysburg Journal for Public Policy

Description: consists of qualitative and quantitative research from a wide range of interests that include a public policy dimension and build upon pre-existing literature.  This journal currently accepts four article types related to public policy: research articles, whitepapers, book reviews, and research notes.
Published by: Gettysburg College.
Submission guidelines: None provided but see specifications for article types.
Submission deadline: None provided.

Hemisphere: Tufts University Journal of International Affairs

Description: Addresses a variety of social, economic, political, and legal issues, both contemporary and historical, within the framework of international relations.
Published by: Tufts University.
Submission guidelines: Papers should be 5,000 to 8,000 words, including abstracts. Photography submissions also accepted.
Submission deadline: Late January.

International Relations Review 

Description: Consists of policy-oriented analyses through two annual print issues and a consistent collection of digital commentary; each publication boasts original research, policy recommendations, book reviews, and opinion pieces.
Published by: Boston University.
Submission guidelines: Papers should be approximately 2000 words in length, 500 words minimum, and related to contemporary international affairs. Photography submissions also accepted.
Submission deadline: None provided.

Journal of Politics & Society

Description: Provides a forum for undergraduates to contribute to the global dialogue on a diverse range of issues, including problems of politics, economics, public policy, social phenomena, international relations, and law.
Published by: Columbia University.
Submission guidelines: Paper submissions should be between 20-50 pages.
Submission deadline: Early February.

Michigan Journal of Public Affairs

Description: Accepting exceptional, original, and rigorously researched academic papers, articles, and Op-eds, on any public policy related-issue. Submissions should include thorough analysis and/or policy recommendations.
Published by: University of Michigan.
Submission guidelines: Articles should not exceed 6,000 words including footnotes and citations. Notes, such as book reviews or commentary on developing policy issues, should not exceed 3000 words, including footnotes and citations. 
Submission deadline: Late January.

N.Y.U. American Public Policy Review

Description: Scholarly articles from undergraduate and graduate students that propose bold, original ideas for change within local, state, or federal government in the United States.
Published by: New York University.
Submission guidelines: All articles must propose novel U.S. policy ideas that are not yet part of the political mainstream or that warrant additional scholarship.
Submission deadline: None provided.

Penn Undergraduate Law Journal

Description: Seeks to foster scholarly discourse on topical and historical issues pertaining to law or the legal system.
Published by: University of Pennsylvania.
Submission guidelines: Pieces may written be from any disciplinary perspective, so long as they relate to the law or legal system and are between 20-100 pages.
Submission deadline: Early February.

The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Review

Description: Welcomes submissions from current or recent undergraduate students in philosophy, politics, economics and related fields.
Published by: Virginia Tech.
Submission guidelines: Papers should be between 5,000-8,000 words.
Submission deadline: None provided.

Pi Sigma Alpha Undergraduate Journal of Politics

Description: Publishes undergraduate manuscripts of the highest quality in all areas of political science.
Published by: Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society.
Submission guidelines: Submissions can be up to 35 pages.
Submission deadline: 2 issues per year, with deadlines on October 1 and February 1.

Righting Wrongs: A Journal of Human Rights 

Description: Provides space for students to explore human rights issues, challenge current actions and frameworks, and engage in problem-solving aimed at tackling some of the world’s most pressing issues.
Published by: Webster University.
Submission guidelines: Submissions should include a full paper, bibliography, a 100-word abstract, and a brief author(s) biography. 
Submission deadline: Late January.

Southern California International Review 

Description: Seeks to foster and enhance discussion between theoretical and policy-oriented research regarding significant global issues.
Published by: University of Southern California.
Submission guidelines: The topic must pertain to international relations, including security studies, foreign trade relations, global economics, and foreign policy. Submissions must be between 3,000-10,000 words.
Submission deadline: Late September and late January.

Towson University Journal of International Affairs

Description: Disseminates exemplary undergraduate research along with articles by scholars and practitioners in the field of international relations, with the purpose of explore the international implications and potential solutions to a range of problems and phenomena across academia. 
Published by: Towson University
Submission guidelines: Papers should be 10 pages, double spaced.
Submission deadline: None provided.

Tulane Journal of Policy and Political Economy

Description: Seeks to further political and economic research by providing undergraduates with the opportunity to have their own original research published in an internationally-recognized, peer- and faculty-reviewed journal. 
Published by: Tulane University.
Submission guidelines: Papers must be an original investigation of a subject relating to policy and political economy (politics, law, political philosophy, international relations, economics, etc.). Papers should not surpass 10,000 words. 
Submission deadline: Late October.

Undergraduate Journal of Humanistic Studies

Description: Promotes undergraduate research in the humanities and social sciences with the goal of presenting papers that bring to light new narratives and fresh points of view. 
Published by: Carleton College
Submission guidelines: The suggested length of papers is 30 pages, double-spaced. Work should challenge dominant perspectives and compel readers to reconsider their position within the context of their society.
Submission deadline: Early January.

Virginia Social Science Journal

Description: Welcomes paper submissions from all social science disciplines and on any subject. 
Published by: Virginia Social Science Association.
Submission guidelines: Papers should be 20 pages.
Submission deadline: Late October.