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Boatwright Memorial Library

Community and Urban Gardening

"Any piece of land gardened by a group of people." - the community garden as defined by the American Community Garden Association. According to the USDA, about 15% of the world's food is now grown in cities and urban settings. Spaces for food growing in

Community and Urban Gardening

"Any piece of land gardened by a group of people."
- the community garden as defined by the American Community Garden Association.

According to the USDA, about 15% of the world's food is now grown cities and urban settings.  Spaces for food growing include the rooftop, balcony, and the community garden.

Community gardens, especially, have received attention as a wy to foster open-sapce initiatives in congested cities, reuse abandoned land, engage communal effort, teach nutrition, fight obesity, provide access to food to impoverished or under-served communities, and provide spaces for progamming and community activities.

- Compilation from UIUC Horticulture LibGuide

The following websites provide further details on Food Deserts.  Search for additional articles in the recommended library databases section of this guide.