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Boatwright Memorial Library

MUS 114: Popular Music of the 70s and 80s: Evaluating Sources for Quality

Guide for Dr. Love's Spring 2025 course

Website Evaluation

On the World Wide Web, scholarly researchers face the challenge of navigating and extracting useable information from over 100 million indexed sites and over 46 billion pages. Here are some signs of a good scholarly web resource:

Trusted URLs

.edu, .gov, .mil contain the most reliable and unbiased info


Look for the author's name, credentials and affiliation to give clues to the contents' quality and objectivity. You should expect the same information quality from a web page as you would from a scholarly print or database source. For pages authored by organizations, look for the site's "About Us" section.


When was the page created or last updated?


Sources used for the page should be cited and working links provided for more information on the topic.


Trustworthy sites should not have spelling, grammatical or factual errors.

My Profile

Profile Photo
Linda Fairtile
Parsons Music Library
Modlin Center for the Arts
University of Richmond, VA 23173
804 287-6849