To search for books in Boatwright, use the Books and More search. Here are some quick tips for effective catalog searches:
The keyword search is searching the titles, subject headings, and any contents notes, not the full text of the book. Your best strategy is to combine "Soviet Union" with another term that expresses your general area of interest, eg, culture, politics, social conditions, propaganda, etc. Do not get too specific when you are searching the catalog.
If you are looking for books by a writer, composer, director, etc. use the Author search (last name first).
If you want books about any subject, including a person or organization, use the Subject Heading Browse search (last name first, for a person; this includes artists, composers, performers, etc.). Eg. Diaghilev, Serge
Most books by and about an author are shelved together, so once you have a few call numbers, you can browse. For example. books by or about Stalin begin with DK 268 and they are on level B1.