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Welcome to the Book Review Research Guide.  Book reviews are a valuable resource in selecting and evaluating research material and for deciding how to spend your valuable research time.   I hope this guide is helpful; if you need assistance please don't hesitate to contact me.

Getting Started

Periodical indexes will help you locate book reviews. In order to locate a book review you must have the following information, which can be found on the back of the title page or the library catalog

  • Author's full name
  • Full title of the book
  • The year in which the book was first published.

Once you have this information:

  • Choose an appropriate index based on dates covered, subject of book, and type of review wanted.
  • Online Indexes will often include full-text or link you to a full text source.  If the full text is not available electronically, write down each citation completely.
  • When using a source published annually (i.e., a print index), begin with the volume for the year the book was published.
  • If a review is not listed in this volume, you should check at least four successive years since reviews may be published a few years after the book's release.
  • Consult several reviews of the same book for a more balanced assessment.
  • Search Journal Locator and the UR Library Catalog for the journals in which the reviews were published.