Opening Mail - Items arrive in the Mail Room; check both the counter and ILL cubby at least once per shift and bring up anything addressed to Interlibrary Loan/ILL/Resource Sharing.
Pulling ILL Items
Packing Items
Packing ILL Items - ILL items that are being shipped out are placed on the packing counter in the back of the Resource Sharing Office. They are sorted according to the destination institution code. ***Items going to different institutions may be in the same stack, placed in alternating directions, to save work space on the packing counter. Please check the code on the slip before packing items together! When possible and practical, package items going to the same institution together to help the department save on packing supplies and shipping costs. Try to always pack fragile items or other institutions' items in a box with padding rather than just a padded envelope. If an appropriate box for a fragile or rare item is not available, alert your supervisor or reinforce available packaging as well as possible.
Scanning Items
Incoming and Returned Materials