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Boatwright Memorial Library

Profile Photo
Carol Wittig
FYS and SPCS KM - ENG Instructor
Rm. 179, Research & Collaborative Area
Boatwright Library
University of Richmond
261 Richmond Way
Richmond, VA 23173

2020-21 One Book | Palaces for the People, by Eric Klinenberg

Book Information

Book Reviews

Buttigieg, Pete. "The Key to Happiness Might Be as Simple as a Library or a Park." New York Times, Sept. 18, 2019.

Moore, Rowan. "Palaces for the People: How to Build a More Equal and United Society by Eric Klinenberg." The Guardian, Oct. 08, 2018.



Richmond Area Public Spaces

Fairfield Public Library

This new area library exemplifies some of Klineberg's vision for gathering spaces.