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Boatwright Memorial Library

Music Library - Call Numbers: Introduction

A guide for Music Library student employees

Reading Call Numbers

A call number is like an address for a book (or other library item).   It lets you know exactly where to go find an item on the shelf.   Call numbers are generally made up of letters, whole numbers, decimals, and often a publication date. Occasionally, additional information such as a volume number or copy number is included as well (e.g., v. 1, v. 2, c. 1, c. 2).   This allows for each item to have a specific location, that (hopefully) cannot be confused with another item's location. 

As a Music Library student employee, understanding call numbers is important as you will use them to: 

1) help patrons find items in the library

2) ensure that returned items are shelved properly 

3) perform shelf reading and other stack maintenance tasks    

Vigilante Librarian cartoon

Continue to Library of Congress Classification (LCC) tab. 

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