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Boatwright Memorial Library

Virginia Data Centers Resources


Image of "data centers owned and operated by Amazon Web Services in Ashburn", as featured in an article from VPM

Image source: VPM News Focal Point

Data maintenance is integral to most industries, including higher education. While opportunities abound as investments reach an all-time high, the water and energy use of “the Cloud” is staggering. Greening data centers remains a persistent challenge, especially in places such as northern Virginia, known as Data Center Alley, with dozens of data centers across a few counties. Virginia became a hotspot for rapid expansion due to the location close to Washington DC and state tax incentives. Efficiency standards and other policy guidance were not codified to ensure sustainability.

This compilation of sources addressing the geographies of data centers with a focus on the Commonwealth of Virginia was created for students to engage in real-time problem-solving for sustainability improvements in data use and management. We encourage students to think outside the box.

  • Resources originally compiled by Dr. Mary Finley-Brook, University of Richmond.
  • Last updated: February 10, 2025

StoryMap - Geographies of a Data Boom

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UR Spatial Analysis Lab

Spatial Analysis Lab at University of Richmond

Contact Information

Please recommend new themes or sources for this guide, and provide additional feedback on the usability of this library guide, by contacting the following people:

  • Dr. Mary Finley-Brook
    • UR Associate Professor of Geography, Environment, & Sustainability
    • (804)-287-6307
  • Dr. Kyle Redican
    • UR Spatial Analysis Laboratory Director
    • (804)-484-1518
  • Beth Zizzamia
    • UR GIS Operations Manager
    • (804)-484-1545
  • Kyle Jenkins
    • Social Sciences Librarian; Geography Liaison
    • (804) 287-8262 

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