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Boatwright Memorial Library

Starting Your Research

Keeping a Research Log

Make your life easier: Keep track of your research progress by recording the following:

  •  Bibliographic information on the works you consult;
  •  Any developments or refinements in your topic;
  •  Names of key persons, authorities, cases, places, or events;
  •  New terms you discover in titles, abstracts, or articles that might be helpful in searching for other sources.
  •  Saving search results to an electronic file, for easier searching and sorting later.

MLA Core Elements of a Citation

In the new model, the work’s publication format is not considered. Instead of asking, “How do I cite a book [or DVD or Web page]?” the writer creates an entry by consulting the MLA’s list of core elements—facts common to most works—which are assembled in a specific order. The MLA core elements appear below:
[From: MLA Website]

MLA (Modern Language Association) Style Guides

UR Online Resources