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Boatwright Memorial Library

Citing Sources

Current Edition:

Quick Citing

Quick citing tools can help you get started, but ALWAYS check the Style Guides for specifics as you are responsible for accurately citing your sources.

Zotero - Quick Start

Sample Citations

Format your paper in MLA

OWL @ Purdue - MLA Formatting

Atomic Learning Tutorials

Access Atomic Learning Tutorials


Atomic Learning is the video training services provider for the University of Richmond and the Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT). There are hundreds of applications in their inventory, often spanning multiple versions of the application and for both Windows and Mac users.

Applications include but are not limited to Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Acrobat, InDesign, etc.), Blackboard, iPod Touch, and Windows and Mac OS. Tutorials are broken up into short (1-4 minute long) video tutorials that you can watch using Flash or QuickTime formats. Users can pause, rewind, or navigate easily between video clips.

You also can watch these tutorials through their iPad app available through iTunes.

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Your account uses single sign-on to access Atomic Learning. Download the app today and start learning on your iPad by first setting up a separate password (using your UR email) for using the Atomic Learning App.

If you need assistance, please contact Customer Service at 866.259.6890, ext 8.