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Boatwright Memorial Library


1.  Lo, Lydia, and Yonah Freemark. 2022. “Influencers, Bias, and Equity in Rezoning Cases: An Evaluation of Developer-Initiated Zoning Changes in Louisville, Kentucky.” Urban Institute.


2.  Collins, Jonathan, and Ray Block. 2020. “Fired Up, Ready to Go: The Impact of Age, Campaign Enthusiasm, and Civic Duty on African American Voting.” Political Behavior 42(1): 107-42.


3.  Herzog, Hanna. 2010. Gendering Politics: Women in Israel. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.


4.  Wainer, David. 2022. “Long Covid is an Elusive Target for Big Pharma; The Drug Industry Quickly Developed Covid-19 Vaccines and Treatments, yet Treatments for the Post-Viral Illness Known as Long Covid are Nowhere Close to Being Developed." Wall Street Journal, July 11.


5.  McBurnett, Michael. 1996. “Complexity in the Evolution of Public Opinion.” In Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences: Foundations and Applications, eds. L. Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliott, 165-96. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.


6.  Bjola, Corneliu, and Ilan Manor. 2018. “Revisiting Putnam’s Two-Level Game Theory in the Digital Age: Domestic Digital Diplomacy and the Iran Nuclear Deal.” Cambridge Review of International Affairs 31(1): 3-32.


7.  Robinson, Eric, Daniel Egel and George Bailey. 2023. “Machine Learning for Operational Decisionmaking in Competition and Conflict.” Rand Corporation.