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Boatwright Memorial Library

FYS 100 (24): To Hell and Back: Dramatizations of the Orpheus Myth: Chicago Citation Style

Course guide for Dr. Fairtile's fall 2022 FYS

Chicago Manual of Style Online

Current Editions:

Ask Boatwright

Chicago/Turabian Quick Citing Examples

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There are 2 versions of Chicago-style citation to choose from: Notes/Bibliography and Author/Date.  The main differences between the versions are where the references are placed, where the dates are placed, and how the titles are capitalized.  For this course we will use the Notes/Bibliography version, which is common in many humanities disciplines.

Notes/Bibliography has numbered footnotes at the bottom of each page, or endnotes at the end of the paper.  It also has a Bibliography or Works Cited list at the end of the paper, listing alphabetically all the sources you've consulted. You do not need a bibliography at the end of your short essays, but we will use bibliography format in your research assignment and in your final essay.


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